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Chigg, Dip CBH, MNCH(reg)

I'm on a mission to empower you to rediscover resilience and balance, reignite your inner purpose, and guide you towards the life you aspire to lead. Drawing on over two decades in investment banking, I've mastered the art of navigating high-pressure environments with grace.

Ghosted, how therapy can help

Being Ghosted? Here is How Therapy Can Help

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Ghosting is a term used to describe the act when someone abruptly cuts off all communication with someone, with no explanation or warning. It can be a devastating experience, especially when it happens in a close relationship or friendship. Being ghosted can leave you feeling rejected, confused, and scrambling for closure. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to cope, therapy can be a helpful tool in navigating this difficult situation.

The Reality of Being Ghosted: Why It’s Not Your Fault

The truth is, being ghosted is not the fault of the person who has been ghosted. It’s important to understand that ghosting says more about the person doing the ghosting than the person being ghosted. There are many reasons why someone might ghost another person, and none of them are the fault of the person being ghosted.

One of the most common reasons for ghosting is simply a lack of interest, for whatever reason, instead of being honest about it, they choose to simply disappear. This can be hurtful, but it’s not the fault of the person being ghosted. It’s important to remember that everyone has different preferences and tastes, and just because someone isn’t interested in you doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you.

Another reason for ghosting is fear. Some people might be afraid of confrontation, or they might not know how to communicate their feelings effectively. Instead of having a difficult conversation, they might choose to avoid the situation altogether and simply stop responding.

some people might ghost others as a way of asserting power or control. They might enjoy the feeling of leaving someone hanging, or they might be playing games to see how much attention they can get. This type of behaviour is toxic and unhealthy, but it’s important to remember that it’s not your fault.

Understanding the Psychology of Ghosting

In the digital age, where connections are often forged and maintained online, the phenomenon of ghosting has become increasingly prevalent. According to psychological experts, ghosting, which involves cutting off all communication suddenly without any explanation, often occurs due to a variety of underlying psychological reasons. Dr. Jennice Vilhauer, a renowned psychologist, explains that people who ghost often do so to avoid their own emotional discomfort and the potential conflict that can arise from expressing their true feelings. It is essential to note that the act of ghosting is more reflective of the person doing the ghosting than the one being ghosted. They might be dealing with their own insecurities, fears, or lack of empathy, which prevents them from handling the situation in a mature and respectful manner. Understanding this can be a crucial step in not blaming oneself when one is at the receiving end of ghosting.

Moreover, research in the field of psychology suggests that the act of ghosting can be linked to the fear of confrontation, which is deeply rooted in a person’s past experiences and upbringing. Dr. Vilhauer further elaborates that individuals who have a higher tendency to avoid conflict might find it easier to resort to ghosting as a way to escape potential confrontations. It is also associated with a lack of understanding of the deep emotional turmoil it can cause the other person, showcasing a lack of empathy and emotional intelligence. As we navigate the complex landscape of modern relationships, it becomes imperative to foster a culture of open communication and understanding, where individuals can express their feelings honestly and respectfully, without resorting to hurtful practices such as ghosting. By understanding the psychological underpinnings of ghosting, we can better equip ourselves to handle such situations with empathy and resilience, fostering healthier relationships in our lives.

Signs you are being Ghosted

  • Delayed Responses: The person takes increasingly longer to respond to your messages, and when they do, their replies are short and lack depth.
  • Avoidance of Plans: They consistently avoid making concrete plans to meet up or cancel plans at the last minute without a valid reason.
  • Decreased Engagement: You notice a significant decrease in the level of engagement in conversations, with less enthusiasm and interest being shown.
  • Social Media Distance: They have become distant on social media platforms, not reacting to your posts, or, in extreme cases, they might have unfriended or blocked you.
  • Unanswered Calls: Your calls go unanswered, and they do not return your calls or give excuses for not picking up your calls.
  • Vague Excuses: When asked about their behaviour, they give vague, non-committal answers, avoiding addressing the issue directly.
  • Gut Feeling: You have a persistent gut feeling that something is off, and the person is not as invested in the relationship as they used to be.
  • Avoidance of Serious Conversations: They avoid having serious conversations about feelings, future plans, or the status of your relationship.
  • Physical Distance: If you are in the same locality, they avoid meeting you in person and create physical distance.
  • Change in Communication Pattern: There is a noticeable change in their communication pattern, with less frequent check-ins and a lack of interest in knowing about your day or life events.
  • Unresponsive to Emotional Needs: They become unresponsive to your emotional needs, showing indifference to your feelings or concerns.
  • Ghosting in Past Relationships: If they have a history of ghosting others in past relationships, it might be a sign that they are likely to repeat this behaviour

Finding Closure: The Role of Therapy in Overcoming Ghosting

Therapy provides a safe and supportive space to process your emotions. Talking about your experience with a therapist can help you understand your thoughts and feelings surrounding the situation. A therapist can help you identify any negative thought patterns that may be contributing to your distress, and work with you to develop coping strategies that can help you move forward.

It is important to understand that being ghosted can happen to anyone, and it’s not a reflection of your worth as a person. A therapist can help you work through these feelings of self-doubt and rejection, and help you build a stronger sense of self-worth.

Another important benefit of therapy is that it can help you gain perspective on the situation. When we’re caught up in the emotional aftermath of being ghosted, it can be challenging to see the situation objectively. A therapist can help you explore different perspectives and help you gain clarity about what happened. This can be incredibly helpful in reducing feelings of confusion and uncertainty.

If you’re struggling with being ghosted, therapy can also help you develop new skills and strategies to cope with the situation. This might include mindfulness techniques, boundary-setting skills, and communication strategies that can help you navigate difficult conversations in the future.

Finally, therapy can help you build a support system. When we’re feeling alone and isolated, it can be challenging to reach out to others for support. A therapist can provide a non-judgmental and supportive environment where you can talk about your experience and receive guidance on how to connect with others.

Closing Thoughts

Being ghosted can be a challenging and painful experience, but therapy can help you navigate the aftermath. Whether you’re struggling with self-doubt or confusion, or just need someone to talk to, therapy can provide a supportive and empowering space to work through your feelings and develop new coping strategies. Remember, you’re not alone, and there is support available to help you through this difficult time. Reach out today if you would like to start turning your issues around in Therapy


“What psychology is revealing about ‘ghosting’ and the pain it causes”

What is Ghosting?”

Disclaimer, Please Read: The information provided in this article is for illustrative and informational purposes only. It does not establish a therapist-patient relationship. For medical issues or emergencies, always consult with a licensed medical professional. For non-clinical challenges related to stress, anxiety, and other emotional or behavioural concerns, considering a consultation with a therapist may be beneficial. Bohangar City Practice is a registered Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy practice, specialising in combining cognitive behavioural techniques with hypnosis to address various challenges and promote well-being. Any questions, please do reach out

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MULTI-MODAL THERAPY: Cognitive, Behavioural, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, etc.

THERAPIST: Former City Analyst, City of London, Singapore, Zurich, and Frankfurt. 

If you are seeking Therapy please reach out for an initial free consultation call. Bohangar Hypnotherapy Practice. Hope you enjoy this blog post, would love to hear your comments  

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