END-TO-END 1-to-1 Support

Don’t Crumble Under The Weight Alone

Reach out now and lighten your load with our compassionate support—because you’re not meant to carry it all by yourself.

Help navigating stress in the special education needs system

EHCParent – Mental Health Support for SEND Families

I started this Blog after traversing the A to Z of the EHCP process. From submitting a section 36(1) of the Children and Families Act 2014 letter  to the Local Authority right through to completing a Section 35 form and representing at the SENDIST Tribunal.

The process has many ups and downs, and I would rate it as one of the most challenging ‘procedural’ experiences one could possibly endure.

I moved into providing private practice Mental Health support, specialising in working with Parents, Guardians and caregivers who are about to, are in the middle off or just about survived the Education Health And Care Plan (EHCP) process for their Child. Reach out today!

If you have a story to share, head over to Parent voices – Welcome!

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Stress-Anxiety guidance

Navigate Life with Ease

In a world that demands constant adaptation, finding a sanctuary for mental and emotional relief is crucial. Our therapy services offer a stress-free guidance system designed to navigate the complexities of life with ease. With a focus on compassionate support, we provide a pathway to resilience and well-being that respects your unique journey.

a serene and supportive environment symbolising therapy and calm in the context of education
  1. Personalised Therapy Sessions – Tailored strategies that address individual challenges, fostering personal growth and self-awareness.
  2. Expert Guidance – Access to experienced therapists who bring deep understanding and specialized knowledge to every session.
  3. Supportive Community – A network of support from individuals who share similar experiences, enhancing your journey to well-being.
  4. Resources and Tools – Comprehensive access to educational materials and coping mechanisms that empower you outside of sessions.

Get Excited to move

A Simple Path to Your Well-being


Reserve your 1-to-1 Free 20 minute consultation

This initial meeting is your opportunity to share your story with a registered Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist who has been in similiar shoes to you.


Book your 1st Session

Your journey begins with a full assessment of your story, challenges, hopes and aspirations. Agreed therapy goals, your guide is a registered Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist who has full life cycle experience of the special education needs system.


Completing your Therapy Journey

Typical therapy sessions can range from 6 to 12 sessions. Some clients build a hybrid model that maps siginificaht events across the academic year. All options is open andbe discussed in more detail.

Our happy customers

Join our EHCP Parent Voice Forumn

Wherever you find yourself in the special education needs journey, you’re not alone. Our community’s stories shine a light on the transformative power of support and therapy.

From the first steps of seeking an EHCP to the daily challenges of advocacy and self-care, these testimonials reveal the strength, resilience, and breakthroughs of parents just like you. Let their victories inspire your path, knowing that with the right help, every challenge can lead to growth and positive change.



We found our way through the stress of securing our child’s EHCP, with some stress support with someone who had been there. The process of walking through our story had rehearsing engagements using Hypnosis was particularly heart felt.



Therapy taught us it’s possible to fight for our child’s rights and take care of ourselves too. We’re navigating the EHCP journey, with slightly more balance, working to preserve our family’s peace.



The experience helped me with Stress linked insomnia, every time I got an email response from the usual contacts in our SEND struggles I would over think and strategize 

FAQ - You ask, we answer

Bring your questions and queries to the initial consultation call or use the contacts on the site

Cognitive Behavioral Health (CBH) encompasses therapeutic approaches grounded in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which aims to identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to mental health challenges. By focusing on the interconnectedness of thoughts, feelings, and actions, CBH provides tools and strategies for individuals to manage their mental well-being more effectively. It’s a structured, goal-oriented therapy that is widely recognized for its efficacy in treating a variety of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and stress-related disorders.

Each 1 to 1 sessionb lasts for 60 minutes. Sessions typical have a run of 6 to 12 sessions. There are hybrid options, some clients wrap around 1 to 1 support around milestones of the academic year

The first session involves a full assessment, your story, goals and objectives and agreement on a therapy plan ahead.

Make some notes, keep a journey, have an idea you would like to explore, think of goals. For the first session you can just bring yourself and be open for therapy.

Ready for support? Schedule your consultation today!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the special education journey and are seeking guidance and support, you’re not alone. We understand the unique challenges you face and are here to help. Schedule your consultation with us today and take the first step towards empowering yourself and your family. Our experienced team is ready to provide personalized support, resources, and the understanding you need to navigate the path ahead with confidence. Let’s work together to make this journey a little easier. Your journey towards peace of mind starts here—reach out now.”

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Enquiry Face to Face (1-to-1) Therapy

Enquiry Online (1-to-1) Therapy