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Picture of Chigg, Dip CBH, MNCH(reg)

Chigg, Dip CBH, MNCH(reg)

I'm on a mission to empower you to rediscover resilience and balance, reignite your inner purpose, and guide you towards the life you aspire to lead. Drawing on over two decades in investment banking, I've mastered the art of navigating high-pressure environments with grace.

Illustration of a person meditating peacefully on one side, and on the other side, the same person looks overwhelmed with multiple mindfulness symbols

Navigating Mindfulness: Striking a Balance in Its Practice for Mental Well-being

Reading Time: 4 minutes

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Mindfulness has become a buzzword in recent years, with many folks turning to the practice to help manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. Mindfulness is the practice of being present at the moment and focusing on one’s thoughts, feelings, and surroundings without judgment, a form of letting go and lowering the mind chatter.

However, while mindfulness can be a useful tool for improving mental health, can too much of it actually be harmful? We take a look at this short blog post.

The Balance of Mindfulness in Daily Life

Mindfulness, like any other tool, works best when utilized in balance. It’s essential to integrate mindfulness practice into daily life without making it the sole focus. This means finding a middle ground where mindfulness complements other activities, rather than overshadowing them. For instance, while a dedicated meditation session can be beneficial, it’s equally important to engage in other activities that promote mental well-being, such as physical exercise, reading, or even hobbies like painting or music.

Mindfulness with Moderation: Quality over Quantity

Instead of focusing on the duration of mindfulness sessions, it’s more beneficial to emphasize the quality of the practice. A shorter, more focused session can often be more beneficial than longer sessions which might lead to distraction or fatigue. Remember, the goal is to cultivate an attentive and non-judgmental awareness of the present moment, not to achieve a certain quota of mindfulness hours.

The pitfalls of too much at-the-moment Mindfulness

While mindfulness can be beneficial for many people, it is possible for too much mindfulness to be damaging in certain situations. Here are some potential ways that excessive mindfulness could be problematic:

collage contrasting a serene individual practicing mindfulness in nature against another individual looking distressed while surrounded by books
collage contrasting a serene individual practising mindfulness in nature against another individual looking distressed while surrounded by books
  1. Avoidance: If someone becomes too fixated on mindfulness, they may start to use it as a way to avoid dealing with difficult emotions or situations. While mindfulness can help individuals manage stress and anxiety, it should not be used as a way to escape from life’s challenges.
  2. Isolation: If someone becomes too focused on being mindful, they may withdraw from social interactions and become isolated. This could lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnection from others.
  3. Obsessiveness: If someone becomes too obsessive about their mindfulness practice, they may experience anxiety and stress if they are unable to maintain their routine. This could also lead to feelings of guilt or shame if they feel they are not practising mindfulness “correctly.”
  4. Dissociation: In rare cases, excessive mindfulness could lead to dissociation, where someone feels disconnected from their thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. This could be problematic if it interferes with their ability to function in daily life.

Too much self-awareness may heighten negative self-image

Too much mindfulness may be harmful if the process of self-awareness develops into a reinforcement of negative self-image, which in itself can lead to increased anxiety. When individuals become hyper-focused on their thoughts and emotions, they may start to criticize themselves for their perceived flaws and shortcomings, leading to a decrease in self-esteem.

Too much mindfulness can lead to rumination and overthinking, which can make symptoms worse. Additionally, individuals with trauma histories may find that mindfulness practices trigger flashbacks or other distressing symptoms.

The Value of Diverse Coping Strategies

While mindfulness is a powerful tool, it’s essential to have a range of coping mechanisms at one’s disposal. This might include techniques like deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or even journaling. By diversifying coping strategies, individuals can be better prepared to tackle various challenges that life presents.

When to Incorporate Other Therapeutic Approaches

Sometimes, mindfulness may need to be paired with other therapeutic approaches, especially for individuals dealing with deep-seated trauma or complex mental health conditions. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), for example, can be an excellent complement to mindfulness, helping individuals challenge and reshape negative thought patterns.

Mindful Reflection: Tuning into Your Needs

Lastly, it’s vital to periodically reflect on your mindfulness journey. Are you feeling more grounded and at peace, or are you noticing increased anxiety or other negative emotions? It’s okay to adjust or change your mindfulness practices based on what feels right for you. Remember, the journey is personal, and what works for one person might not work for another.

Closing Thoughts and the benefit of seeking guidance

It’s important to remember that mindfulness is just one tool in a larger toolkit for managing mental health and well-being. It’s okay to take breaks from mindfulness or to find other practices that work better for you. If you are concerned that your mindfulness practice may be doing more harm than good, consider talking to a mental health professional. This is why it remains beneficial to seek guidance and training from a reputable practitioner in the discipline, to avert these negative outcomes. Give us a shout via the contacts us page if this area is of interest.

References: The Little-Known Downsides of Mindfulness Practice

Disclaimer, Please Read: The information provided in this article is for illustrative and informational purposes only. It does not establish a therapist-patient relationship. For medical issues or emergencies, always consult with a licensed medical professional. For non-clinical challenges related to stress, anxiety, and other emotional or behavioural concerns, considering a consultation with a therapist may be beneficial. Bohangar City Practice is a registered Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy practice, specialising in combining cognitive behavioural techniques with hypnosis to address various challenges and promote well-being. Any questions, please do reach out

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Photo of a serene outdoor setting with a person meditating by a calm lake, with overlay text_ 'Transform Your Life with Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Transform Your Life with Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy – Here’s How It Works

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is a form of psychotherapy that combines the practices of Mindfulness with Cognitive therapy. The therapy is based on the idea that mood disorders can be maintained by negative thought patterns and automatic reactions to stressors. MBCT aims to interrupt these patterns by helping people develop a more mindful awareness of their thoughts and feelings.

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MULTI-MODAL THERAPY: Cognitive, Behavioural, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, etc.

THERAPIST: Former City Analyst, City of London, Singapore, Zurich, and Frankfurt. 

If you are seeking Therapy please reach out for an initial free consultation call. Bohangar Hypnotherapy Practice. Hope you enjoy this blog post, would love to hear your comments  

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