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Picture of Chigg, Dip CBH, MNCH(reg) CNHC

Chigg, Dip CBH, MNCH(reg) CNHC

I'm on a mission to empower you to rediscover resilience and balance, reignite your inner purpose, and guide you towards the life you aspire to lead. Drawing on over two decades in investment banking, I am not just sharing a theoretical model of Stress & Anxiety Management, I am guiding you through the lived experiences of 'pressure cooker' living'

a serene environment that embodies the essence of DETACHED MINDFULNESS A person sits in a tranquil forest

Detached Mindfulness: Techniques and Exercises for a Happier Life

Reading Time: 7 minutes

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In therapy, I use a technique called ‘Detached mindfulness’ (DM), which is learning to get into a state of mind where one observes thoughts, emotions, and sensations without becoming attached or reactive to them. It involves becoming aware of what is happening in the present moment, without judgment or analysis.

Detached mindfulness is a concept that has gained increasing attention in recent years, particularly in the realm of meditation and mindfulness practices. It can be understood as a form of non-attachment, a state in which one is able to recognise the impermanence and fleeting nature of all experiences, and thus, avoid becoming overly attached to them. This detachment allows for greater clarity and insight into one’s internal states and can lead to a greater sense of calm, acceptance, and overall well-being.

The Power of Detached Mindfulness: Why Letting Go is Key

There are many different techniques and practices that can help cultivate a detached mindfulness approach, including mindfulness meditation, body scan meditation, and breathing exercises. One common approach is to simply observe the present moment without judgment, allowing thoughts and feelings to come and go without getting caught up in them. This can help to break the cycle of rumination and worry that can lead to stress and anxiety.

detach yourself bohangar Detached Mindfulness: Techniques and Exercises for a Happier Life

Another approach to cultivating DM is to practice self-compassion, which involves treating oneself with the same kindness, concern, and understanding that one would offer to a good friend. By recognising and accepting yourself as you are, without self-rating.

Detached mindfulness is often used as a tool to help people cope with difficult emotions and situations. By cultivating a sense of detachment, we can observe our thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them, which can help us respond to them more effectively. It can also help us gain insight into our patterns of thinking and behavior, allowing us to make more conscious choices.

Detached mindfulness can be particularly helpful for those struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. By developing a sense of detachment from our thoughts and emotions, we can break free from the negative thought patterns that often contribute to these conditions. It can also help us cultivate a greater sense of resilience and emotional stability, allowing us to better navigate life’s challenges.

  1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

One of the main benefits of detached mindfulness is that it can help reduce stress and anxiety. By observing thoughts and emotions without getting caught up in them, individuals can detach from negative feelings and experiences, allowing them to reduce their impact on mental and emotional well-being. This detachment can also help individuals gain a better understanding of their thought patterns and emotional triggers, leading to increased self-awareness and self-regulation.

DETACHED MINDFULNESS TECHNIQUES AND EXERCISES FOR A HAPPIER LIFE The scene captures a serene environment Detached Mindfulness: Techniques and Exercises for a Happier Life
  1. Improves Focus and Concentration

Detached mindfulness can also improve focus and concentration. By practising detached mindfulness, individuals can train their minds to stay present and focused on the task at hand, rather than becoming distracted by thoughts or emotions. This can be particularly beneficial in academic or professional settings, where focus and concentration are critical for success.

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Book Shelf Reads 3 Book Collection: Topics ‘Letting Go‘ (Click to Browse or Buy)

  • Ten Times Happier, Owen O’Kane 
  • Solve for Happy, Mo Gawdat
  • Happy Finding joy in every day and letting go of perfect

Practicing Detached Mindfulness through Meditation

One way to practice detached mindfulness is through meditation. During meditation, we can focus on our breath and observe our thoughts as they arise. Instead of getting caught up in them or trying to push them away, we can simply observe them and let them go. By doing so, we can develop a sense of distance from our thoughts, allowing us to approach them with greater clarity and objectivity.

The Art of Detached Mindfulness Through Hypnosis

Hypnosis serves as a powerful tool in achieving detached mindfulness. Through guided imagery and suggestion, hypnosis facilitates a deep state of relaxation, paving the way for a heightened state of awareness where one can objectively observe their thoughts and emotions without being swept away by them.

The Process of Achieving Detached Mindfulness Through Hypnosis

  1. Preparation: Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down comfortably, ensuring that your body is at ease.
  2. Induction: A hypnotist or a guided hypnosis recording will lead you into a state of deep relaxation, using techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing.
  3. Deepening: As you become more relaxed, the hypnotist will use techniques to deepen your state of hypnosis, encouraging you to let go of any tension and enter a space of calm and tranquillity.
  4. Guided Imagery: In this stage, you will be guided to visualize serene landscapes or calming scenarios, helping to further relax your mind and body.
  5. Mindful Observation: Once in a deeply relaxed state, you will be encouraged to observe your thoughts and emotions without attachment, promoting a state of detached mindfulness.
  6. Conclusion: Gradually, you will be guided back to full awareness, bringing with you a sense of peace and a deeper understanding of your inner self.

Benefits of Detached Mindfulness Through Hypnosis

  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: By learning to observe your thoughts without judgment, you can reduce the impact of stress and anxiety on your life.
  • Improved Mental Clarity: Detached mindfulness promotes mental clarity, helping you to make decisions from a place of calm and rationality.
  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: This practice fosters a deeper understanding of oneself, encouraging personal growth and self-acceptance.

Detached Mindfulness and Journalling

Another way to practice detached mindfulness is through journaling. By writing down our thoughts and feelings, we can observe them more objectively and gain insight into our patterns of thinking and behaviour. We can also identify any negative thought patterns that may be holding us back and work to shift them into more positive ones.

Closing Thoughts

Detached mindfulness is a powerful tool for cultivating greater awareness and emotional resilience. By learning to observe our thoughts and emotions objectively, we can develop a sense of distance from them and respond to them more effectively. Whether through meditation, journaling, or other practices, detached mindfulness can help us cultivate greater well-being and live more fully in the present moment, learning to live by letting go.

Bohangar City Practice: A place for developing a Multi-Modal Approach

The multi-modal approach to therapy is characterised by the integration of various therapeutic techniques to address the complex and multifaceted nature of human psychology. It is a flexible approach that can be tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of each individual. The central pillar is to relax the mind and body.

The Role of Hypnosis

In the Bohangar City practice, hypnosis plays a pivotal role. It is utilised to help individuals reach a state of deep relaxation, facilitating a space where they can explore their subconscious mind and work through underlying issues that may be affecting their mental health. Hypnosis encourages a state of detached mindfulness, where individuals can observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment, fostering self-awareness and healing.

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques are another cornerstone of the multi-modal approach at Bohangar City. These techniques, which include guided imagery, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation, are employed to help individuals manage stress and anxiety effectively. By learning to relax the body and mind, individuals can cultivate a sense of peace and well-being.

Other Therapeutic Modalities

Apart from hypnosis and relaxation, the practice also incorporates other therapeutic modalities such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychoeducation, and mindfulness meditation. These therapies work synergistically to offer a rounded approach to mental health care.

Benefits of the Multi-Modal Approach

  • Personalised Therapy: The multi-modal approach allows for personalized therapy plans, catering to the individual needs and preferences of each client.
  • Comprehensive Care: By integrating various therapeutic techniques, the practice offers comprehensive care, addressing a wide range of psychological issues.
  • Empowerment: This approach empowers individuals, equipping them with the tools and techniques to manage their mental health effectively.

Learn More

If you find yourself intrigued by the aspects of hypnosis and relaxation techniques and wish to delve deeper into the world of multi-modal therapy, we invite you to reach out. Bohangar City practice is open to all individuals looking to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Reach out to learn more and to start your journey towards a healthier, happier you.


Detached Mindfulness In Cognitive Therapy: A Metacognitive Analysis And Ten Techniques

Disclaimer, Please Read: The information provided in this article is for illustrative and informational purposes only. It does not establish a therapist-patient relationship. For medical issues or emergencies, always consult with a licensed medical professional. For non-clinical challenges related to stress, anxiety, and other emotional or behavioural concerns, considering a consultation with a therapist may be beneficial. Bohangar City Practice is a registered Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy practice, specialising in combining cognitive behavioural techniques with hypnosis to address various challenges and promote well-being. Any questions, please do reach out

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6 months ago

Nice read on detached mindfulness!

6 months ago

I’m glad that you’re using detached mindfulness in your therapy practice. It’s a powerful tool that can help people to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and to live happier and more fulfilling lives.
Your blog comment is very informative and well-written. You do a great job of explaining the concept of detached mindfulness and its benefits. I also appreciate that you include a link to a helpful article on the topic.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on detached mindfulness!

MULTI-MODAL THERAPY: Cognitive, Behavioural, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, etc.

THERAPIST: Former City Analyst, City of London, Singapore, Zurich, and Frankfurt. 

If you are seeking Therapy please reach out for an initial free consultation call. Bohangar Hypnotherapy Practice. Hope you enjoy this blog post, would love to hear your comments  

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